Top 7 Questions Asked During a Leadway Pensure Interview



(J-WIS is a platform by JarusHub to enlighten prospective job seekers about companies in Nigeria with a view to aiding them in making informed career decisions. The information is drawn from basic research. While we did our best to ensure the information is accurate, we may not be able guarantee 100%  accuracy in all cases.)


Leadway Pensure


1. Tell us about yourself

Try and summarise your life history in 2-3 minutes. You may start from your university education, through your NYSC, through what work you have done. You can talk about your passion and interests. Don’t make it too long or too short. Please don’t stammer here. You are talking about yourself, if you cannot talk about yourself, then that is a serious turn-off.

2. As an economist do you think you can cope with insurance? Why not banking? Knowing fully that accounting work is different from insurance, how do you think you can cope here? 

Economics and accounting are used here as examples. Just juxtapose whatever course you study here to the questions. You are very likely to be asked the questions. The answer here is: course of study does not really matter much. Most of the most successful insurance practitioners did not study insurance in school. So you don’t think course of study really matters. Beforehand, try to research and see if you can get names of top insurance CEOs that did not study insurance and use them as examples. “The CEO of XYZ Insurance company studied Mathematics, so I don’t really think course of study matters”.

3. Who is your role model

Well, this is a personal question. Just make sure you can articulate why you choose that person as your role model.

4. Tell us all what you know about insurance. Any latest news on insurance sector?

Research about insurance before going for the interview. You can talk to a couple of people that work in insurance sector, in addition to using Google.

5. How do you think you can raise 5 million naira for Leadway by marketing Leadway products?

Try to psyche them that you know the features of the products will make them marketable and you believe that given the level of business development of Leadway, the inherent features of the product will be sellable.

6. Why do you want to leave your present work ? 

Never badmouth your current work. Raise your current employer that you have learnt there, but it is time to move to a bigger organization which Leadway is.

7. What are the qualities you intend bringing into this firm if you are employed?

Talk about your generic qualities.

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For detailed one-on-one coaching on Leadway interview, check out our interview coaching service.


So, have you undergone Leadway Pensure recruitment process? How was it? What is your impression?

Or have you worked in Leadway Pension before and want to tell us more about working in the firm? Let’s have your comments.

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