DCT06112013: “What got you here, will not take you there”


DAILY CAREER TIP 06.11.2013: “What got you here, will not take you there”

I had a resit in Mathematics (in the University). I did not take the resit exams and so carried it over into my 200 level. I was consistently the best student in my secondary school, and so was confident about my academic ability. I was also hardworking, patient, prayerful and focus on the goal (attributes I picked up from my mum while growing up). I was fortunate to have another uncle who just graduated from UNIFE and who mentored me about the need to change my style. I need to read textbooks, practice past questions and attend tutorial classes.

All 3 things I did not do in my first semester in UNIFE as I did not need to do these 3 things while in secondary school. All I needed to do in secondary school, was to attend classes, take notes, and read my notes for the exams. These were very sufficient. Later on in life, I read about that basically says “what got you here, will not take you there”. That is, the things you did that made you to succeed in your prior role, will not be sufficient to make you succeed in this new role. So, the things I did that led to success in secondary school, will not be sufficient to guarantee me success in Great IFE. It was a lesson I learnt the hard way 

– Niyi Yusuf, CEO, Accenture Nigeria

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