BMW X5 E53: what you need to know when buying it


jiji car 1

BMW X5 E53 is a cult model, and today it became more affordable. In addition, the X5 still looks prestigious and the technical features successfully compete with modern SUVs.

Let’s take a look at the most common breakdowns of a model to avoid surprises!

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Enginesjiji car 3

N series have:

  • a high propensity to overheat;
  • big oil consumption;

It is better to consider options with proven 3.0-litre engine or M57 series diesel engines.


For those who decided to purchase a version with V8, we recommend 4.8 and 4.6 liter engines (N62B48 and M62B46).



After the year 2003 the cars for Europe are equipped with less reliable GM5L40E boxes and six-diapason “automatic” ZF6HP26. Weaknesses:

  • electronics;jiji car 4
  • motor of clamp friction system.



  • The car has generator on X5 with water cooling system and requires greater attention.
  • Much attention should be paid to the health of the drainage system of manhole and tightness of doors (particularly the back one), on which directly depends the correct operation of electronic blocks located in the cabin. The same applies to the luggage compartment where you can find the fuses and a parktronic control unit.



BMW X5 suspension is quite reliable when operating on asphalt roads. The only thing is that the cars with heavy V-shaped engines have serious reduction of front suspension resource.

However, if you constantly run the car in the face of even light off-road, all nodes resource reduces by multiple times.

In addition, you should be prepared for a possible failure of the air-suspension pump.jiji car 6

Steering of the first X5 is straightforward, but when it comes to cars with high mileage you can face gaps, as well as incorrect work of modules that enhance steering, which shows itself in easy rotation of the steering wheel.


In short, finding a decent copy of the first-generation BMW X5 is still feasible, even with a good mileage, and it will be a really decent car!

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