Jarushub "Egghead", Idris Bello, Speaks at African Union Conference in Dakar - www.jarushub.com
One of the members of Jarushub Analysts Council, aka The Jarus Eggheads, Idris Ayodeji Bello, is one of the select Africans that will be speaking at a conference to mark 50 years of the African Union (AU), formerly Organization of African Unity (OAU). Idris will be speaking on ‘Charting Africa’s future: Youth and the 2063 AU agenda’ and also on ‘Using emerging and innovative tech and platforms to drive change’ He will also be interacting with Senegal’s entrepreneurs at Dakar’s leading tech hub @cticdakar and as well as take part November 29 in TEKKI 48 ST LOUIS in North Senegal along with @cticdakar […]