Hello Jarus,

I hope it’s well with you and yours.
I am your ardent follower on Nairaland and I must confess that I have benefited immensely from your rich career write-ups and tips. I’ll most likely be faced with a ‘tough’ career decision in the nearest future and trust that your advice would guide me in making a wise decision.
I am currently working with a top bank as a contract staff. The job pays me 900k per anum, ie 75k per month. There are no benefits. I may be converted to a full staff in 2-3 years,  judging from current trends. I am only few months old on the job. My job is challenging and stressful but I think I enjoy it.  I must say that I am not doing badly on the job. I am a teller.
Now I have recently attended medicals for a job with a telecommunications company and very optimistic about the offer. The role is called Retail Advisor. From my findings, the job pays 1.8m per annum, which is twice my current remuneration. Monthly take home is 126k. I would be entitled to a number of benefits such as medical insurance,  bonuses and airtime. Surprisingly however, I’m not excited about the prospective job as I ought to.
Personally, I’m concerned about a secured and promising career and not just compensation. For some reason, leaving this top bank for this telcom company isn’t coming off as an easy decision.
Considering your broad horizon and foresight, I’d like to know what you think about a career with this telcom company. Imagine yourself in my shoes and let me know what you would do and what factors would have prompted your decision.
Please ask me any question you feel would shape your response.
Thanks as I eagerly anticipate your response.





Dear Shade

I will advise you take the telecoms company job for the following reasons:

1, It is normal for one to be emotionally attached to one’s current job as you’re attached to that bank, especially if there’s no immediate threat. But trust me, if you get to the new company too, you will get same feelings in short period of time.

2, Contract job in bank is not so secured. They are soft targets when banks want to lay off.

3, Getting permanent position in bank is not that easy, forget about the promise. I have seen people that have been relying on this “we will give you permanent offer after so so years” for many years without anything coming out of it.

4, Tellering is not a job that offers you any significant skills. I’m not sure it’s good for your career. Retail Advisor requires better skills that will be helpful for your career. In case you want to move on to better jobs in the future, “retail advisor” adds more value to your CV than tellering job.

5, Pay matters. 126k is no small money compared to the 75k. What’s more, you have medical insurance and other benefits. Even if the pays are at par, medical benefits are enough for you to consider this new job.

In the final analysis, it boils down to you. Follow your mind. But if I were in your shoes, I would most likely take the Telco offer.


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