DCT03102013: Social Media is Not a Career


DAILY CAREER TIP: 03.10.2013 – Social Media is Not a Career

 These job titles won’t exist in 5 years. Social media is simply a function of marketing; it helps support branding, ROI or both.  Social media is a means to get more awareness, more users or more revenue.  It’s not an end in itself.  I’d strongly caution against pegging your career trajectory solely to a social media job title. – Jazon Nazaar


Hmmmnnnn, but some companies now have Social Media Manager or Social Media Officer? In fact, Nigerian President has Special Assistant on New Media? What happens to their career? Let’s wait for 5 years and see how Jazon’s prophecy pans out.

But it’s an important food for thought. That is why some of us bloggers have offline activities deriving from our blogs, like the Jarushub Career Conference series, and other consultancy offerings. I reason with Jazon that blogging, like any other Social Media too, should actually be used to project something, not being the job itself.


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