5 Great Companies to Start Career in Nigeria


For majority of young Nigerians, pay is the bottomline in job hunting. Other factors such as job satisfaction, career advancement opportunity, work-life balance etc. come secondary. This is understandable. In a country where poverty level is high and people toil to get themselves educated, you can forgive the young graduate that thinks pay is all that matters. In this article, I have compiled 5 great companies that offer great platforms to start one’s career in Nigeria. The definition of greatness is not necessarily by the short term returns, but more of medium to long term benefits. The companies listed are basically for non-technical graduates (i.e may not too useful for engineering graduates, for example).

1, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)


PwC is a professional consulting firm that offers services like auditing, tax consultancy, financial advisory and lots more. To me, if you want to be a thoroughbred professional accountant, financial consultant or tax practitioner, PwC is your best bet for solid footing. It is not for nothing that a good percentage of top finance executives in big corporations in Nigeria are PwC alumni. PwC is a great training ground for many professionals. The firm is also highly regarded for its integrity in business dealings. The pay for entry level may not be so juicy, but it is a firm that gives you the best of training as a young graduate and the return from that investment will serve you for life, as you become hot cake when you seek to move ahead in the future.



KPMG is another great place for a young, non-technical graduate to seek to start career. They have almost all the features listed for PwC above and engage in same range of services. The short-term reward may not be as juicy as some banks will offer, but you can be guaranteed of medium to long term returns. KPMG puts high premium on professionalism and work ethics. It is a fantastic place for one to start career.

3, Accenture


Probably because their work is not one you see on the street, many graduates may not even have heard of Accenture. The sports buff may know Accenture as one of the principal sponsors of golf legend, Tiger Woods, but may not even know they have business in Nigeria. Accenture is another great place to start career in Nigeria. The technology and management consulting firm is a great brand. They are very professional and give young intakes value-adding training that will continue to be of benefit throughout their career, whether in Accenture or elsewhere.

4, Shell


Now, the big fish! Yes, that’s what everybody has been waiting to see. Shell is the signpost of multinational oil companies in Nigeria and it almost naturally comes first whenever a young Nigerian student reels out his wishlist. Getting job in Shell is seen as ‘money ritual’ and it is seen as the pinnacle of making it for a young graduate. This notion is driven by pay. Ironically, what makes Shell tick, compared to other IOCs operating in Nigeria, is not its pay, but its training. In fact, Shell is one of the least paying of the big IOCs, and some independent oil companies almost match its entry level pay package. But it is almost unanimously believed in the industry that Shell offers the best training for its young intakes. That is why IOCs like Total that pay more ‘poach’ Shell staff, who would have undergone great learning under Shell. Shell is also to a large extent merit-driven. Shell is another great place to start career.

5, Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)


Some of us are not fans of professional banking career. But for those who crave banking job, GTB is the best around. GTB is strong, stable and highly professional. They are not doing badly in terms of pay either. So if pay is your motivation, you still have a dream in GTB. If personal development and future career is your motivation, GTB is still fine. Job security they guarantee too.

Related topics:
The role of networking in job hunting
5 common mistakes Nigerian job seekers make


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  1. Ahmed Makinde 18 April, 2013 at 13:33 Reply

    a well written post once again and enlightening, BUT i must say it focuses mainly on a particular sectors (this is partially understandable since you were writing from experience) but i will recommend having your readers contribute with companies in other sectors which are equally “Arsenal-like” in breeding young careers.

    • Jarus 18 April, 2013 at 13:50 Reply

      Thanks Mankind.

      Contributions on other great places to start career (especially for graduates of Engineering and Arts, which this article does not cover) are welcome.

      I like your comparison nwith Arsenal as well. But I think Barcelona has the best grooming system. A good number of Barca players (Messi, Xavi, Iniesta etc) were groomed in Barca Academy. Plus others they bred and sold out like Fabregas (before re-buying).

      But Arsenal comparison makes great sense as well. Arsenal brings out a player from almost nowhere and turns you into world class – then big-paying clubs come for you and at the end of the day both the player and Arsenal are better for it. Henry was average in Monaco/Juventus before Arsenal turned him into world class; Adebayor wasn’t this great in Monaco before Arsenal got him. Samir Nasri, Fabregas and co also came of age in Arsenal before going forging ahead to make cool bucks in other clubs.

  2. akinjideadesina 18 April, 2013 at 19:17 Reply

    I would want to disagree with you, Jarus. I don’t think there is actually a particular place to start up one’s career. Basically it depends on you and your orientation. It is not the company name that matters but you as an individual. You may get a job that has nothing to do with your career and you see no way it would mould u or even come close to moulding u into the individual u want to become.

    The best thing to do is sit down and plan your career. See where you want to be in 5, 10 and 20 years, and then figure out how to get there. That should determine where you start from. If for example you only want to work for 5 years and then start your own business, then you may want to start where you will acquire a lot of experience and exposure. If, on the other hand, you want to have a long career, then you want to start where you stand the gain the experience, promotion as well as exposure.

    I believe you should just be focused and know what you want and don’t waste time to go for it. Lets talk about starting a business of your own too. Nothing surpasses working for yourself. Building a business and watching it grow over the years is very sweet and should be the dream of every responsible person. You may never understand the meaning of freedom until you start your own business. When you have more time to devote to your family and your creator in service..Soory to my Lagos colleagues who wake up as early as 4.30 pm (to meet 8.am resumption in the office) and get home as late as 10.30 pm (sometimes 11pm).

    All those ACCENTURE, GTB, SHELL, PWC, KPMG and other similar companies where started by someone. The first step is to get a proper education in a practical course or get experience from an apprenticeship in a good career. Lots of Nigerians have made it in business, IT, etc. Making it in life involves a degree of wisdom.

  3. drfemitaiwo 21 April, 2013 at 04:51 Reply

    As someone who works with Shell, I may be biased but I very much agree with this list. Shell is renowned – and rightly so – for developing leaders. Great place if you want to unlearn, learn, and relearn.

  4. onyeka 20 June, 2015 at 01:17 Reply

    I learnt a lot from this article. But, I’d say mckinsey and co should be a better platform for graduates thinking of going into the consulting world over accenture. Don’t u think? If I’m wrong, cud u enlighten me?

    • Assistant Editor 12 May, 2016 at 11:07 Reply

      I agree. But it is easier for an average Nigerian to get job in Accenture than McKinsey.

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